By lonelyboy101 - 27/08/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was at a club with my girlfriend of a year. A guy starts hitting on her while I'm sitting right next to her. He then asks her to go back to his place for some fun, so I start laughing thinking that there is no chance she would even consider this. I walked home alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 897
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend's a ******* ***** YDI for not going after her

He shouldn't HAVE to make it known that she's taken. She should be able to stand up for herself and be like "I'm here with someone, I'm not a *****-nugget."


AWW!!!!!!! Poor you!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's terrible! God how could she do that! Right in front of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just forget her! She's stupid!

i will not let up on the fact that you life totally ******* sucks. and i also agree with #213.

YDI for... letting it happen... Honestly I'm surprised there aren't more YDIs

Jesus Christ, it's a ******* test of faith, he obviously trusted her to be able to fend off a guy herself, thinking she was strong enough to handle it. She wasn't, which isn't his fault, and he got dissed. FYL dude, seriously.

I would have kicked her as hard as I could in the **** the next time I saw her to "make sure she wasn't pregnant" before i dumped her ass :D

I would honestly want to kill that son of a bitch. He had no right. And she is a ******* stupid bitch. How can a girl do this and live with herself?


what a ******* bitch... that is so mean

wow.. u didn't know you had that kind of girl after a year?? next time check who ur going out with.. so you won't get hurt :(.

tlouise12 0

that is awful! I'm soooo sorry dude. your girlfriend is obviously a serious b**** and you totally deserve better anyways.