By lonelyboy101 - 27/08/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was at a club with my girlfriend of a year. A guy starts hitting on her while I'm sitting right next to her. He then asks her to go back to his place for some fun, so I start laughing thinking that there is no chance she would even consider this. I walked home alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 897
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend's a ******* ***** YDI for not going after her

He shouldn't HAVE to make it known that she's taken. She should be able to stand up for herself and be like "I'm here with someone, I'm not a *****-nugget."


Now you know she's not worth staying with

daisysanchez24 7

I hope your not back with that ***** again.

crammer1 6

Wow...a girl can't tell a guy who's hitting on her that she has a boyfriend. Why do people think it's up to the guy to "put his foot down?" what she did was wrong and it's a good thing he went home alone. Nobody needs stupid mind games like that.

narutou546 4

You didn't tell him off the second he started flirting?! Knock the bitch out

You shouldnt have had to do anything!!!!! Screw everyone that says you did. If she was committed to you, she would have said hell no. Shes just as capable no one forced her to go with him. I really hope you dumped her ass and laugh in her face. Really.

neji218 6

you guys are absolutely unbelievable. why should a Guy have to be barbaric and stick his neck out for his **** of a gf that would leave with someone else for the mere fact that he doesn't want confrontation? I live my gf and KNOW that if a Guy hit on her I wouldn't have to say a damn thing. she would take care of that and shoo him away. but if he put his hands on her, then I would handle that and make sure his face wouldn't be recognized. no more no less. you're dumb if you say he deserved it for "not standing up". get some sophistication. a **** is a ****. she us indeed a ****. fyl sir.

neji218 6

I meant love my gf. not live. didn't double check.