By lonelyboy101 - 27/08/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was at a club with my girlfriend of a year. A guy starts hitting on her while I'm sitting right next to her. He then asks her to go back to his place for some fun, so I start laughing thinking that there is no chance she would even consider this. I walked home alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 898
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend's a ******* ***** YDI for not going after her

He shouldn't HAVE to make it known that she's taken. She should be able to stand up for herself and be like "I'm here with someone, I'm not a *****-nugget."


In this case fighting for a ***** like that is both not worth it and she'd probably argue with you about it, wanting to go with him (I have experience with certain ex girlfriends)

why are people saying YDI for not standing up to the guy? Why the **** would you want to stand up to anyone for this girl who would do this? She's a ******* asshole.

You guys saying ydi for not going after her or stopping her or standing up to the guy but honestly, if she's that easy and would run off with a random guy especially in front of her bf, she has little to no respect for him. I don't know about you guys but to me she is definitely NOT worth stopping, running after or standing up for.

Well, at least you got rid of a **** that you called your girlfriend.

yikes. I hope she's not your girlfriend anymore.