By stuck - 12/06/2016 05:59 - Sweden - Hägersten

Today, I tried to break up with my boyfriend. He decided to lock me in the apartment until I say that we are in fact still together. This is the 4th time he has done this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 175
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh look. Stockholm syndrome in Stockholm.

mds9986 24

Isn't that kinda illegal? Not sure about Sweden law though.


quarterweek 13

Time to get your relatives & the police involved in this.

You need to get out and get some help!

funny, but ops situation isnt Stockholm syndrome

S L O W learner ??? Anything more than once ..... You deserve..... Put you foot down OP your boyfriend is a control freak... It only gets worse... It's not something you can fix....and it very well could escalate... We really don't want to read about you in the papers

I would take you more seriously if you stopped with the multiple "......"s all over your comment.

What the hell is wrong with you? You've let this happen three times? This isn't some sort of red flag to you?

Just find a new place to live and move out without saying anything while he is out. That would be the peaceful option. Seriously though that sounds like false imprisonment which is illegal in must countries. loose that guy quick.

blackrose1996 11

Take your stuff move it to your parents or friends tell him your done go to your friends house until you get a new place