By willstaysingle - 29/04/2014 14:18

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of three years. I worked my ass off planning everything down to a T. It seemed perfect, until I actually proposed, at which point I was rejected and dumped, in front of my family, friends and two coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 305
You deserved it 5 873

willstaysingle tells us more.

I am the Original Poster. I'm only replying because so many of you requested a follow-up and so many of you are misconceptualizing the context. From the beginning I discussed my interest in a serious relationship and expressed my eventual wish to be with her. I did not explicitly say I wanted to marry her. In common logic, there is no need for that. It is to be expected. For the ones asking about age. I am 30 years old, she is 25 years old. That was clearly not the problem. I am not seeking attention in all of this. But I will let you people know I emigrated for this girl. I made entire reservations for the family members I wished to see. I sacrificed a lot for her. I adapted to her needs. Some of you people say just because there is effort, she doesn't need to accept. While I agree, at some point, when you realize how much sacrifice is made, you are bound to love. There is no love whatsoever without sacrifice. I told her from the beginning that I am not wasting my time. If you are not sure what to do with the rope I gave you, let go early before we get to high grounds, so you could spare me a killer downfall. To all the people who felt sympathetic and gave me a "chin-up". Thank you. A lesson learned that I will teach every single one of you here. Be selfish. I have filled my heart with hate. Love and cherish. Just do not sacrifice so much that you find your life so strained you realize that you wasted years of hard work, effort and emotion. Mind your mental health.

Top comments

hippo1234 19

Aww! Don't stay single! You sound like a sweet, dedicated guy.


Really sorry to hear about your issue. That really sucks. That said, it might be possible that it is only a minor setback. Give her some space and time to process what just happened. It's possible that she is just overwhelmed at the moment and that she will come around eventually.

Axel5238 29

While it does suck OP did you talk to her a bout how she felt about it? Sounds like you spent more time thinking about that than her feelings on the matter. Asking in front of family sometimes makes people uncomfortable and if they aren't ready they feel pressured into saying yes and if they say no generally the significant other is looked down on for refusing. No one is required to say yes. It is 2014, there is no reason not to be able to do a google search of most common proposal mistakes and (for fun) fails. Most include big showy proposals and the ones at stadiums on the jumbo tron.

That's awful! You deserve better! However, I'd advise you & anyone else to never propose in public like that! Set up a romantic private proposal. Sometimes, in this situation people get overwhelmed & over react! Good luck!

don't stay single you sound like a sweet guy. but danger that's crazy an would really suck. obviously you deserve better

friedgecko 9

What the hell does the last part of your comment mean? It was not comprehensible after "danger that's crazy an would really suck". Um, go back to English class.

I think her phone might have auto corrected dang to danger, and and to an.

davedarave 6
Mr_childish69 3

well there's always next time

WTF. this is going to need a follow up. 3 years and now she has commitment issues

askullnamedbilly 33

It does not have to be a commitment issue, some people do not want to get married at all. The parents of a friend of mine have been in a happy relationship for over 20 years, but are actually opposed to marriage because they think it adds an unnecessary legal dimension to their relationship that would complicate things.

Not to mention some people view marriage as a decision which should be made much more slowly. I know tons of people who'd only consider getting married to someone after being with them 5+ years. It's not that they have issues with commitment itself, they are just slower paced and want to take more time to get to know the person before marrying them. Plus we have no idea how old they are. For all we know, they just turned 21 and she felt they were to young and he thought they were ok. Everyone is different.

Axel5238 29

Agreed, the age thing can be a big deal, but not the only issue. Even if they were late 20's if the OP's gf was back in school or something I could see that as well. Just because she may have said yes to the idea of it at one point she may have said some years down the road. Liking the idea is way different from wanting to take the plunge in the near future.

Man she didn't deserve you anyway for that