By willstaysingle - 29/04/2014 14:18

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of three years. I worked my ass off planning everything down to a T. It seemed perfect, until I actually proposed, at which point I was rejected and dumped, in front of my family, friends and two coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 305
You deserved it 5 873

willstaysingle tells us more.

I am the Original Poster. I'm only replying because so many of you requested a follow-up and so many of you are misconceptualizing the context. From the beginning I discussed my interest in a serious relationship and expressed my eventual wish to be with her. I did not explicitly say I wanted to marry her. In common logic, there is no need for that. It is to be expected. For the ones asking about age. I am 30 years old, she is 25 years old. That was clearly not the problem. I am not seeking attention in all of this. But I will let you people know I emigrated for this girl. I made entire reservations for the family members I wished to see. I sacrificed a lot for her. I adapted to her needs. Some of you people say just because there is effort, she doesn't need to accept. While I agree, at some point, when you realize how much sacrifice is made, you are bound to love. There is no love whatsoever without sacrifice. I told her from the beginning that I am not wasting my time. If you are not sure what to do with the rope I gave you, let go early before we get to high grounds, so you could spare me a killer downfall. To all the people who felt sympathetic and gave me a "chin-up". Thank you. A lesson learned that I will teach every single one of you here. Be selfish. I have filled my heart with hate. Love and cherish. Just do not sacrifice so much that you find your life so strained you realize that you wasted years of hard work, effort and emotion. Mind your mental health.

Top comments

hippo1234 19

Aww! Don't stay single! You sound like a sweet, dedicated guy.


Don't let this get you down, you'll find the right woman someday!

OP, this is why you should never propose in public without talking about it first. It's a dick move to pressure her like that, and if she's not ready to get married you didn't exactly leave her much choice other than to break up with you. If it had been done in private things could have been talked through with none the wiser. Now she didn't have a way to say no and stay with you without having to face your family, friends, and coworkers all thinking of her as the bitch that turned you down. Can you imagine how awkward family dinners at his place would be after that?

Guys, I agree proposing in public was a bad idea, but come on! Let's have some sympathy for the poor guy here :(. That must've been rough.

mikaellikestacos 14

What a bitch be happy you don't have her now. just think there could be a girl 100x better than her

Keep your head up! She just wasn't the right girl for you. You'll find the right girl!

Sometimes the crowds scare people off and they say no. Vice versa they can say yes without meaning it. Sorry this happened to you, Op.

I've ALWAYS WONDERED!!!! Have you seen the terrible YouTube Fail Proposals?? I always wonder how the hell it's possible to get a rejection! Surely you don't ask out of the blue? Surely, even though you've been together for 3 years you've mentioned marriage to get a sense where you both are emotionally... Not only that, but if you'd talked about it you might've found out that doing it in front of a crowd might be uncomfortable...

nitrog100 21

C'est la vie, OP. Hey, that rhymed.