By Anonymous - 13/11/2014 18:50 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of 5 years. She bitched me out for not getting the ring she had been "hinting" me to get, and angrily left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 419
You deserved it 4 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a b***h for not respecting the moment and ruining it just because she didn't get exactly what she wanted at least you see her true colors now


Wow that was really awful of her. She sounds really ungrateful. Sorry OP, that sucks

The fact that your boyfriend thought enough of you to propose to you is something to be proud of. So if your ring isn't all big and fancy, it's not something to be proud of? OPs girlfriend acted extremely selfish and superficial. Also to add on to that. It says that OPs girlfriend "hinted" at a ring she wanted. Meaning she didn't tell him straight up. Not that it matters because even if she had told him it's wrong on so many levels for her to react like that.

At least rings are returnable. Marriage is forever and forever and f-o-r-e-v-e-r! Think about it, that's a long time to be stuck with a materialistic female. Best to leave with your balls and your wallet intact.

Remind her that its not the rock on the ring that counts but rather what the ring symbolises

RedPillSucks 31

This is why couples should look at rings together. He can buy he ring later once he understands what she likes that fits in his budget. Just winging it is a bad idea

That's just pathetic; I'm sorry OP, perhaps your misses is one of those lovely women who cares more about the wedding than the marriage... A ring shouldn't have to be substantial to pertain significance...

RedPillSucks 31

Hmmm. I guess the YDI is about deserving to know what a bitch she is before you tie the knot

Thought: women don't just magically become materialistic. He has to have seen this side of her before now if they've been together five years. I still said FYL but just something to consider.