By Anonymous - 13/11/2014 18:50 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend of 5 years. She bitched me out for not getting the ring she had been "hinting" me to get, and angrily left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 419
You deserved it 4 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a b***h for not respecting the moment and ruining it just because she didn't get exactly what she wanted at least you see her true colors now


asnakelovinbabe 16

I think it is ok for someone to set guidelines and say "hey, this is the kind of jewelry I tend to like, and this stuff over here I am not real fond of." And then the person who is doing the proposing can use guidelines and recruit some help from family or friends if needed. My husband picked out the ring without knowing much else besides the fact that I prefer silver or white gold to yellow gold. You know what I love most about that ring? Not the color, the size, or shape, etc. I love all of those things... but so much more, I love that he picked it, and he set up a special moment to give it to me, and opened his heart to me. It could have been a solid lump of stone and I would still never trade it for anything. I think it is completely asinine and selfish to pick out and expect an exact ring and even more so to throw a tantrum when it doesn't happen. It says a whole lot about a person when they act this way. I think OP dodged a bullet. It's a hunk of metal holding onto a clump of rock. There are more important things in life to get upset about.

if, after 5 years, he still doesn't know her well enough to know which ring she prefers, then I'd be mad at him too :)

Yes I'm a girl, and I might be a material bitch! but not when it comes to love!!

Dump her. This behaviour=massive red flag, and you accepting this will send the wrong message. I am not saying to never take her back if she shows remorse, but this is a very good time to show your significant other you will not put up with immature princessy behaviour.

I'm tempted to say FML for this, but I also see her point. She has to wear it everyday for the rest of her life, so she better like the damn thing. But I think her reaction was taking it too far.

You sure you want to Marry someone like that?

GamerPerson 19

Dude, if she's pissed about not having a MATERIAL OBJECT, take this hint: She's not the one, she's going to be materialistic AND she'll more than likely bitch at you till she gets her way. Dump her.

DianaFrances411 13

sorry OP! some women don't understand that men don't like it when their girl tries to hint at something, hope things work out!

Some people don't know what they have! Can't believe she got annoyed about a ring! If she loved you the ring wouldn't matter as long as she has a ring on her finger. Some people are so shallow and they get greedy so they forget what they have