By teeeessst - 13/12/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I listened to a woman take an extremely fragrant crap while I waited for my pregnacy test result in the Target bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 859
You deserved it 26 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could have waited until you were at home to take the test....

...why the Target bathroom? As opposed to the privacy of your own bathroom...?


KassyNicole 0

Are you sure she wasn't having a baby?

wthefluff 0

not sure why you think taking a dump in the target bathroom is worse than taking a pregnancy test there..

prettystoopid 0

wow taking a pregnancy test in target....classy. where are you going to have his first birthday? I hear the bathroom george michael jerked off in is available..

youdeservedit1 0

OMG lmao, best comment I've seen in awhile

SarahMarie83 0

Well at least you only had to listen to it. Most of us would have also had to endure an assault on our nose from the stench as we squatted over a dirty toilet praying for a negative while trying to figure out how to tell mommy and/or daddy. You're a lucky girl!

Brooklynxman 0

Taking a pregnancy test in a Target bathroom. The definition of classy.

People pooping in the restroom! Oh, the scandal! I could understand taking the test at Target, especially if you don't want mom/roommates/SO to know about it...but if you sit in a public restroom for 10 mins, your gonna be privy to bodily functions!

I think it qualifies, it's already horrible that she had to take one, nerve wracking and embarrassing as it is, then she goes into the bathroom and someone's taking a massive dump..she had to sit throught the whole thing to find out if her life was over.

#77 Her life isn't over. She can get an abortion, give it up to adoption or keep it. Thank Jebus we have choices.

I'm guessing you bought and took the test right away because you were afraid you were pregnant, not hoping to be pregnant, so was it at least negative after that, or positive?

I work at Target. It's ghetto to take a pregnancy test in public.

YDI. You could have taken the test at home, crisis would have been averted. =_=

also she could have been living with her parents so she couldn't go home and take it