By teeeessst - 13/12/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I listened to a woman take an extremely fragrant crap while I waited for my pregnacy test result in the Target bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 859
You deserved it 26 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could have waited until you were at home to take the test....

...why the Target bathroom? As opposed to the privacy of your own bathroom...?


shalizzz 0

There's a million possible reasons why she decided to take the pregnancy test there and not at home. Maybe the OP shares a house with other people, like her parents/her boyfriend/roommates, and she didn't want to risk them seeing the pregnancy test or its package in the trash can and thus finding out about the possible pregnancy. Or maybe she couldn't get home until later and she was really frightened or really excited that she might be pregnant and just couldn't wait until she got home.

Newsflash: Crap smells. Its not like shes going to crap out rose scented poop.

#9, if you want to make an arguement, you should probably spell things correctly, that way you sound more reliable. I laughed when I read #13's comment. YDI, im sure you have taken a crap like that before. We all do it. And you dont know who she is, she may be someone who is sick and had to shit out all of the medicine she took. (just an example, you dont know her situation)

Argument* Astrix goes after the incorrectly spelled word or incorrectly grammaramasized sentence

boatkicker 4

argument* The correction should have the same capitalization that the original mistake was supposed to have. In this case, no capital A.

If you are pregnant have fun telling your kid that you discovered tht he existed in Target.CONGRATS MOMMA!

Ohhh, I love the Target bathrooms.. they smell like fruit loops or something.. ya know when people aren't taking "fragrant craps"?

Wow, everyone's so judgmental. I'm sure none of you have ever been so worried/excited about anything in your life. You know, the kind of vomit inducing excitement/worry you feel when it's almost unbearable to have to wait find something out. In this case, OP either desperately hoped she wasn't pregnant, or was excited to find out if she was pregnant. Either way, she couldn't wait. I'd wager that she hoped she wasn't pregnant and wanted to know the truth at the moment. Or, probably did not want to take any chances of people at home finding the pregnancy test. If so, THAT'S the FML. The fragrant crap was just an added bonus, making it even more FML-y. Let the flames begin. I'll help you: FML-y isn't a word.

I don't think you realize, OP, that public restrooms/bathrooms, contrary to their names, are not for resting or bathing in. You go into those rooms to make stool or urine. WTF did you expect???????? If you were really that desperate to take the pregnancy test, then damn...maybe you should have just squatted down in Aisle 3 and done it right there in front of God and everybody. At least then your poor, delicate nose wouldn't be assaulted with the scent of shit, right?

Pathetic. You're in such a sad position that you couldn't wait to get home? YDI for putting yourself into such a per-dick-a-ment.

Wouldn't you have noticed that someone was taking a crap when you first went into the bathroom? So why didn't you just go to a different public restroom? I understand the feeling of wanting to know imediatley if your preggers or not, but if I go to a public restroom and it smells bad, I just go to a different store... It's not like you really had to pee or really had to shit...