By teeeessst - 13/12/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I listened to a woman take an extremely fragrant crap while I waited for my pregnacy test result in the Target bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 859
You deserved it 26 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could have waited until you were at home to take the test....

...why the Target bathroom? As opposed to the privacy of your own bathroom...?


What do you think people do in public restrooms?

gormer 0

Birth control, ********, it's all the same and what did you expect trailer trash?

Why the Target bathroom? Do shit like that at home if u don't wanna hear people take *****. YDI

youfools 0

I agree- why were you taking a pregnancy test in a public restroom? Sure, buy it at Target, but you really can't wait to get home?

i guess youve never been in that situation when you question whether or not the condom might have broken (even though it might be a long shot). Wouldnt you want to know whether or not you are pregnant asap? i would

Tweety122888 0

it's impossible to reason with these retarded people who obviously are rich (since target is a "shitty" store) and they don't have sex (because a slip up can happen to anybody). so this could never happen to them.

Yes that is gross, but why would you do that in a public bathroom? You should've deffinatly done it at home. So yeah, YDI.

Can you be any more of a redneck? F your child's life and the future of America.

perstephane 4

Yes - it could have been WalMart

she could have been so excited about the prospect of being pregnant that she didn't want to have to wait until she got home to find out alternatively she could be desperate to not be pregnant and doesn't want anyone to know she is taking a pregnancy test

boatkicker 4

I was just going to say this. and to OP: I hope your test showed you whatever results you were hoping for. That could easily make up for tha lady beside you.

BikerMike 0

does your crap smell like roses? if no then shut up. you sound like a real winner taking a pregnancy test in a store restroom. Was no one suppose to be in the restroom while you were waiting for the + or - to show up? Don't get pissed at other people for taking a crap in a public restroom because you could not keep your legs closed