By teeeessst - 13/12/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I listened to a woman take an extremely fragrant crap while I waited for my pregnacy test result in the Target bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 859
You deserved it 26 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could have waited until you were at home to take the test....

...why the Target bathroom? As opposed to the privacy of your own bathroom...?


its your fault for being in the. wsy of their flatulence.

joethebiden 8

What happens in a Target bathroom stays in a Target bathroom. Seriously though, YDI. Public restrooms are for taking a leak or a dump. She used it for its purpose, you didn't, so don't complain.

ThreadingFate 0

Why the hell would you take a pregnancy test in a Target bathroom? Lmfao FYL for that.

ultraslick 0

What kind of hick are you? YOu're gonna take one of the most important tests in your life in a Target Washroom???? I wouldn't even pee in a target washroom

I hope you have to pee in some sort of store, hopefully Target, one day. I'd love to hear how it was to pee in your pants because you don't pee in the bathroom.

TheMischiefMaker 0

YDI. next time, dont be ghetto and take a very private pregnancy test in a store bathroom. are you kidding me?

I guess I'm wandering why the Target bathroom to take a pregnancy test? Even if you didn't want anyone to know what you were doing at home, don't you have a lock on the door to stop them from entering? Either way, YDI because you were in a Target BATHROOM where people are expected to poop.

i feel like thats what you get for taking a pregnancy test in the target bathroom.....

MangeMoi_fml 0

Uhmm...yu against takin pregnancy tests at home?

MangeMoi_fml 0

Uhmm...yu against taking pregnancy tests at home?..