By cooldude - 01/07/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, I got called a "loser" by an old man wearing pink flip-flops and riding a purple moped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 148
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old men with pink flip flops that ride purple mopeds are the most badass people ever. don't ness with them if you value your life


haha OP come on, that had to brighten tour day! it is just too funny to take that seriously.

emilysexi3793 0

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious!

phishlips 0

LSD is bad. I see and hear much worse.

Hey! I frequently rock that look! :D Yesterday I got called a tw*t by a fat year seven girl who I swear is growing a mustouche. Count yourself lucky. Xxx

thespoonybard 0

i guess... i guess he was recognizing one of his own?

Congratulations, you officially hit rock bottom if you got called a loser by an old ****. Here's a rope, go hang yourself on a tree at the local park.

bmboente15 0

don't take that shit lol he's just feeling bad about himself and wanted to take it out on someone

Hayley0 0
rockyraccoon28 8

that's awesome, you should listen to him, he's probably right. old dudes on mopeds know whats up.