By cooldude - 01/07/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, I got called a "loser" by an old man wearing pink flip-flops and riding a purple moped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 148
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old men with pink flip flops that ride purple mopeds are the most badass people ever. don't ness with them if you value your life


iambrazilianandp_fml 1

its probably cuz... u aint got no pancake mix !!!!!!!

don't you know? old men in flip flops riding mopeds knowww what's cool ;P lol

wow get over it emo kid, have a teaspoon of cement and man up.

Look on the bright side. At least he wasn't wearing pink Crocs.

lolololololololololololololololol I would be like "bitch go die already"

goliatron 9

You must REALLY be a ******* loser, OP...

technicolorRAWR 0

haha the old man sounds awesome to mee!

If the suit had sparkles in it and if his hair was styled like your grandma's, then ya got told off by Liberace. Just sayin.