By cooldude - 01/07/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, I got called a "loser" by an old man wearing pink flip-flops and riding a purple moped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 148
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

old men with pink flip flops that ride purple mopeds are the most badass people ever. don't ness with them if you value your life


So you know your not the loser than. How much worse could you be.

I don't know what your definition of a loser is, but that old man sounds like the epitome of cool.

That's awesome. Be more like him and then you won't be a "loser".

Bubbles77777 11

haha haha haha haha seriously made me laugh out loud:) :)