By msjustine - 06/05/2011 19:27 - United States

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend, the one who does all the cooking in the house, doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 944
You deserved it 13 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments


if you just mean when he pees, pee is sanitary. The germs from the doorknob on the bathroom will be killed by the heat when being cooked anyway. The more you wash your hands, the more often you get sick since you wont be used to the germs and viruses that come from everyday surfaces.

that's your fault. the woman should be the one cooking

I wonder if people who are into scat and watersports wash their hands after using the bathroom

salsalover_12 5

This problem could be resolved if you MADE YOUR OWN FOOD!!!!!!! Its got nothing to do with gender peeps for the record im a woman and id be pissed if someone told me i should be in the kitchen but this case really calls for it when you don't like how someone makes food for you or if you complain about their hygiene and they make the food the answer is simple STOP WHINING AND DO IT YOURSELF

because afterall, a woman's place is in the kitchen. you make a good point. ;)

osf777 2

I wash my hands before I use the restroom so my dick doesn't get dirty.


Serves you right, now get back to the kitchen.

xlibrax 0

That's gross. But hey, maybe he has sense enough to wash his hands before dealing with food? Probably not though huh? Makes me wanna BARF..seriously. Time for you to get friendly with the stove. :)