By msjustine - 06/05/2011 19:27 - United States

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend, the one who does all the cooking in the house, doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 944
You deserved it 13 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's gross. To prevent this in the future keep a sign in the bathroom that says wash hands before you leave.

Anime_Lover210 4

You're going to have a killer immune system! Or not.

harbqll 0

So, you'll put his dick in your mouth, but won't eat food if he hasn't washed his hands after touching the same dick.

And she tosses his salad a couple times a week too! Seriously dude, you think a germ-freak like this is going to give head? Doubt it. P.S. LOVE the profile pic! Tom Baker = BEST Dr Who EVER.

Ritaa_fml 4

I can tell you've been wanting to get that off your chest for a while.

59 - that's great that you don't feel the need to wash your hands after using the washroom and that you seem to have a good immune system...but frankly your lack of basic hygiene is disgusting. you are the reason those people use antibacterial soap. while you may not care about your own germs, you are passing them on to others who really don't want them and may not have as good of an immune system as you. so if you want to hate someone for creating a superbug, I suggest you look first at yourself.

I do understand that. But I stand by what I said. You not washing your hands after using the bathroom is plain laziness and it's the exact reason people feel the need to get rid of bacteria like those you're passing on.

HahaYDI 0

You should stop washing your hands and see how he likes it.

Teach him some proper hygiene, end of story.

she said uses the bathroom, that could mean taking a shit or a piss. sucking Dick could have nothing to do with it

perdix 29

As Emeril would say, "Bang, let's kick it up a notch!" Except he wouldn't flavor it with dingleberries.