By Anonymous - 03/07/2014 16:42 - France - Beausoleil

Today, I came home from vacation, only to find my neighbours relaxing on my patio, and their kids swimming in my pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 564
You deserved it 4 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You can probably fine them or involve the law if you had proof

TabooSushi 24

Oh hell no. There would be some police involvement if that were me in your situation... I'd also electrocute my pool the next time I leave home and not tell them. >:D

ironik69 31

It may just be time to consider a law from Texas. If you have a pool in your yard, you have to have a fence with a certain height and locking gates.

Sounds a little bit like the movie Hummingbird, without them being hobo's and anything

Well it seems like whether you ask them or not they will watch your house

Hunterdagreat 7

I find that a lot in my backyard im 13 I go out to owe and I have an audience

I've come home to find the neighbourhood kids secretly jumping on my trampoline but they're just kids. You'd think an adult would know better then to trespass. My suggestion would be to start watering your grass and washing your cars using "their" garden hose. You know, since they feel you're close like that.

Hopefully the children didn't pee in your pool.

Umm I'd get a fence... Unless you have one.. Get an electric fence.

Electric fence plus pool is a veeery bad idea.

Siettadulce 21

Talk about getting too comfortable.