By Anonymous - 03/07/2014 16:42 - France - Beausoleil

Today, I came home from vacation, only to find my neighbours relaxing on my patio, and their kids swimming in my pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 564
You deserved it 4 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So... What's it like to have money OP? *burning jealousy*

Seriously? Call the cops or secure your pool better next time. Because if their kids get hurt or drown in your pool, they can sue you and win the case even.

Nope, not in France. It would be the parents' fault because they're the ones trespassing.

mattbaker 17
jazmin3012 28

isn't it odd that some people think that "what's mine is yours" always applies, even with strangers?

waterwolf37 1

Well at least the kids got to go swimming.

TcheQ 12

I would be sooooo pissed... I would have called the cops if I was you.

Hope you stocked up on chlorine, because it's most likely the kids are adding a bit of extra P to your OOL. XD

Next vacation organise a house sitter to keep the undesirable away.