By OhNo - 02/03/2013 13:31 - United States - Castlewood

Today, despite the fact of being together two years, and having a daughter, my fiancée still refuses to tell her parents about us. We're getting married in six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 836
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

There's only two explanations, her parents are super religious and strict or they're Scientologists, I'd go with the latter.


Umm why are u marrying a person who won't tell her parents about u!

royb2g 6

she killed her parents years ago! dun dun dun...

And why exactly are you with this fucknut?

Maybe she doesn't get along with her parents, there could be so many reasons, but my cousin doesn't talk to her parents either or her only brother in fact her brother never even met her three children..

Are you the one the "powders only the smelly spots"? If so I might understand why..

cmb8280 24

Who do they think is the baby daddy??

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Its surprising that they don't even know that they have a granddaughter!

Lol.........LOL...........! Ya thats right get married ...... LMFAO

Honestly, YDI. You've let it go on for 2 years already. Drop it, or drop her.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You let this go way too long. You teach people how to treat you.