By OhNo - 02/03/2013 13:31 - United States - Castlewood

Today, despite the fact of being together two years, and having a daughter, my fiancée still refuses to tell her parents about us. We're getting married in six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 836
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

There's only two explanations, her parents are super religious and strict or they're Scientologists, I'd go with the latter.


cass1221 5

why wouldn't you just tell them. obviously he's not going to because he's living in shame.

Tell her to explain WHY she hasn't told her parents (might have a genuine excuse like a really bad childhood), or that you might have rethink your relationship. You don't have to invite them to the wedding but explain to her how much it hurts that she is lying to them about you not existing.

I think everyone has probably figured out what's going on

talk about being unfaithful. if she truly loves someone you would tell your parents even if u didn't like there reaction.

Sounds like they're the problem... Don't take it too personal....

Um... Aren't you supposed to ask the parents if you can marry their daughter??

106 - It's 2013, hunny. A woman is her own person and her potential partner shouldn't have to ask permission like she's property being traded off.

What's his problem? There's had to be more to this. And how can they not know?

danivolley64 10

She could have a very good reason not to tell them, at this point in my life I'm ready to get the hell away from mine. FYL