By OhNo - 02/03/2013 13:31 - United States - Castlewood

Today, despite the fact of being together two years, and having a daughter, my fiancée still refuses to tell her parents about us. We're getting married in six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 836
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

There's only two explanations, her parents are super religious and strict or they're Scientologists, I'd go with the latter.


Okay, you have been with this girl for 2 years and have a child with her, yet you have still never met her parents? And you want to marry this person? There's something wrong with this situation. I definitely wouldn't be planning on marrying someone who refuses to include me in their family.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

See, normally I would say this is truly ****** up, but we don't know everything here... for all we know, this girl doesn't want her parents involved because of some conflict in the past, or another such reason. I can easily see myself cutting my parents out of my personal life if the family relationship keeps deteriorating, for example. That doesn't make me a terrible person, it just means I'm tired of them making me miserable. OPs fiancée could be in that situation too, it could be any number of things. Whatever the reason, I still think that yes it DOES suck- we're just in no position to judge.

I'm not sure if I would be okay with that.

Maybe she has a horrible relationship with her parents and they are not part of her life? I'm sure there is a reason behind it that the OP didn't share. Good luck OP

I'm gonna say YDI, why question it now and not 2 years earlier? After being with you for 2 years, having a kid together and getting engaged, she still doesn't tell her parents would either mean she's embarrassed of you, hates her parents or knows her parents wouldn't like you, which would only be delaying the inevitable. I assume she's planning to get married and not invite her parents and take her wedding ring off every time she's around them. She can't keep the lies up forever OP.

mrkp 14

Totally agree! You've known it was like this for years... you deserve it.

Do not marry this woman unless she either tells her parents about you or gives you a good reason why she won't.

guyverzerox 6

Wow good luck with that marriage....

kspear2 12
1dvs_bstd 41

I'd check the milk man for the baby daddy... and is Maury still on?