By Don't text and work - 23/06/2009 05:04 - France

Today, at work I got told off by my manager for texting while working. Enraged by this, I trash talked her to the new girl at work. The new girl, a.k.a. my manager's daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 152
You deserved it 68 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Moral of the story: be careful who you talk to. Or, better yet, trust nobody. Still, YDI. People who text all day under their desks instead of actually doing their job seriously irk me.


TheLizardKing 0

I hate you, and I hope you get fired and never get another job. **** you

atomicmrpelly 2

lol #14! As for the OP... your boss told you to do your job... ZOMFG!

in france high did deserve it though

zomg you got told off for BREAKING THE RULES of a job that you should consider yourself lucky to have in the first place? woooow. you have no empathy from me. grow up.

collegeshmollege 0

you deserve it for texting rather than doing your job. You're paid to do whatever sucky job you have, not text. I hate people like you.

hate is a strong word, but i really really really dont like you

DarthJeff 0

YDI, lazy bitch. I hope the epilogue to this story involves your firing. Time to grow up.

lingfeng 0

Wow, you totally, TOTALLY deserved that one. I'd be surprised if you still have your job after that. Completely your own fault, and completely unprofessional/unacceptable for a workplace.

all your fault. dont text at work... and dont talk bad about the managers. i hate when ppl text because i end up doing all the god damn work and im so glad you got whats coming to you. i hope you get fired.