By Don't text and work - 23/06/2009 05:04 - France

Today, at work I got told off by my manager for texting while working. Enraged by this, I trash talked her to the new girl at work. The new girl, a.k.a. my manager's daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 152
You deserved it 68 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Moral of the story: be careful who you talk to. Or, better yet, trust nobody. Still, YDI. People who text all day under their desks instead of actually doing their job seriously irk me.


NEVER talk about your boss during work. Even I know this, and I am only 14.

kellster 2

YDI for texting at work, you lazy shit! That's not what they're paying you to do! If it's against company policy, which it almost certainly was if you got yelled at for it, the answer is NOT to bitch back, about anything. Extra YDI for trash-talking your coworkers, regardless of who they're related to, under any circumstances. Epic fail for doing it while YOU were the one being bitched out. Coworkers like you are what make work hell.

testing_fml 0

You were ENRAGED that you got told to stop being a shitty employee when you were caught being a shitty employee? YDI, asshole.

nammz 0

How do you not deserve this? YDI completely. People who voted fyl are just stupid

Lepton 0

Work is not for personal texting. While you are on the clock, don't text unless it's your break or for business purposes.

Why were you so enraged? Most places don't allow texting while working. You shouldn't trash talk your manager for pulling you up about something you're not meant to be doing. YDI

perstephane 4

I completely agree with #110. You say you got in trouble for doing something you WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO and then got mad about getting caught? Here's a simple solution - instead of being stupid about it and then complaining to the first person you see, try, oh, I don't know - doing your job and not goofing off.

he's right though. you shouldn't Tex at work unless it's an emergency. if you can hide and do it (Aka stocking milk in a grocery store) more credit to you, but he was right in correcting you.