By ILuvYouSoldiers - 26/06/2009 07:57 - United States

Today, at the airport, my mom began talking about how useless the war in Iraq was, and how dumb the soldiers that serve there were for enlisting during the war. The soldier at the vending machine near us caught my eye. I mouthed, "Sorry" and he mouthed, slowly, "You fuckin' better be." FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 470
You deserved it 21 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We should ship your mother over to Iraq. God bless our soldiers.

alwaysalady 0

That's awful. I give soldiers hugs and tell them thank you. Your mom needs to learn a little respect.


Stephnesss 0

I seriously would have told my mom to stfu. That is so disrespectful, & I'm respectful to my mom, but is she was to say that to me I would have said, "Mom. Shut up. You live in America because of those soldiers that you are calling stupid." My mom would never do that because my sister is in the military & almost died in Baghdad.

You seem like a nice person but your mom is a raging bitch.

your mom's a bitch, I'm probably going to join the armed forces (hopefully air force), and to all who are saying crap about the war in Iraq "If you don't want to stand behind the armed forces would you rather stand in front of them" to all who read this comment pass the message on, they are fighting for our freedom, also some are having it pay for college, its not like they are volunteering, maybe they need the money, and its not like they are doing it just to go kill people.

its wrong to have sex with someone you know is married, on there part and yours, especially when one is deployed and has to think about some dirtbag back home with his wife or girlfriend, i dont think there is a loyal woman in the world. loyalty goes against biology

laterdays, ur Canadian. FYL And yes there are SOME bad soldiers, but most are good men. get a ******* life.

What? Did the soldier actually threaten you?! That is just lame. People have the right to think whatever the hell they want. This "omg tell me you didn't just dare to say something bad about our brave noble soldiers" is just stupid. Not everyone has to admire the military and soldiers (some of them are not noble at all, but you just don't know it because you don't see what happens over there when they turn off the CNN cameras). So yes, it's stupid that the OP feels scared/embarrased because her mom thinks differently and even worse (enough to confirm how some people really give a bad name to the army) that the guy actually said something like that to you. Screw him.

amb22 0

yeah that is definitely not cool of your mom. the soldiers are working hard to fight for this country. they need to be shown some respect. but yeah that is awful he said that to you because it wasnt you being ignorant it was your mother.

mbergh22 0

your mom is a bitch and she should leave this ******* country shes lucky she didnt get her ******* lights punched out stupid ****!