By Fish Breath - 03/06/2016 22:26 - United States - Bloomington

Today, as part of my job at a pet store, I helped our frat house president pick out goldfish for the new aquarium the big brothers are installing over summer break. And, once I'm initiated, I'll get to swallow one of the fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 029
You deserved it 4 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's absolutely gross and mean. Frats are awful.

Thats terrible. Why would you even want to do that?


Lord of the flies is all that comes to mind when I think of frats..

quarterweek 13

Depending on the pet store, aren't you supposed to decline the sale knowing they are trying to buy the fish to be eaten? I know some stores here (USA) will not let you buy mice if they know they are going to be fed to snakes & not kept as a pet.

KBear3109 29

And that's why hazing is illegal in my town...

I'd ball you for posting this. Stop being a little bitch.

KimmyImpala 9

that just shows how desperate people are to fit in...

That's animal abuse. Don't join a group of abusers.

You made your choice, don't whine about it. The fish has the lousy end of the deal.

Nyokii_4 3

That's animal cruelty why did you even sell them the fish.