By majorlyturnedoff - 21/08/2012 03:02 - United States

Today, after his second week of babysitting, my boyfriend has begun the disturbing habit of saying, "Ready or not, here I come!" every time he's about to orgasm. He doesn't see why this doesn't appeal to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 324
You deserved it 3 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Only 2 acceptable uses for that phrase: 1. hide and seek 2. sadistic serial killer movie line, unfortunately sex didn't make the cut...

Tell him it would appeal to you more if he called out "Marco" so then you could call out "polo." That way you are both participating!


Pandamonia88 9

ouch.. that's gotta be a mood killer.. duct-tape his mouth.

Thats a way to ruin the mood. Guys will never understand a woman.

fyredancer911 3

I'm worried about why hide and go seek is in any correlation with sex. What is he doing to those kids, that shouldn't happen... Little creepy to me.

At least he's not whispering in your ear, "Take my seed."

fballdt16 9

Babysitting? Maybe more like The Shining.