By majorlyturnedoff - 21/08/2012 03:02 - United States

Today, after his second week of babysitting, my boyfriend has begun the disturbing habit of saying, "Ready or not, here I come!" every time he's about to orgasm. He doesn't see why this doesn't appeal to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 324
You deserved it 3 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Only 2 acceptable uses for that phrase: 1. hide and seek 2. sadistic serial killer movie line, unfortunately sex didn't make the cut...

Tell him it would appeal to you more if he called out "Marco" so then you could call out "polo." That way you are both participating!


Does it not make you worry about what about what he gets up to while babysitting?

TallMist 32

Well, some jobs just get to your head, I guess.

unixdude 9

Well, in a week or two he'll have to switch to "Red Rover"....

Really, that's bringing work home too much. OP, try some of your fun shop talk during sex, and see how much he enjoys it.

immikey19 7

I wanna shake this mans hand!

s3cr3t 4

Soon enough your ****** will be a champion at hide and go seek, at this rate he will never find it.

Next time he is about to say that get him out of you, that should make him shut up for the next ******.

SeepingSarcasm 7

Just wait till he goes down on you and half way through looks at you and says: ''Peek-a-Boo, I see you!''