Thieves like us

By Bummer - 30/10/2009 02:00 - United States

Today, I found my checking and savings account to both read $0.00. My parents transferred all my money to theirs because "I'm irresponsible, and not fit to handle money." I'm a 3.8 college student and have a full-time job. They are currently unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 886
You deserved it 3 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well are you 18 or older? If so, you should have to sign permissions for those things. Report it to your bank. If you're a minor, well, definitely FYL.

Okay, first of all: your life does indeed suck. That's terrible. Second of all: why do they have access to your account? Shut that down, bro.


Report them to the police I would, they stole money from your bank account, I would go ape shit if my parents did that but they can't they need all my security numbers so ha, but they wouldn't do it anyway.

That sucks ! I agree with #40, go to the police, or at least threaten them to do it ! ps : wtf is an 3.8 student??

Drewsius 0

A student's Grade Point Average (GPA) is measured on a 4.0 scale. 4.0 means all A's, 3.0 means all B's, and so on. So a 3.8 is very good; it means to OP is getting mostly A's.

you ARE irresponsible with money if you still let your parents play with your account. ydi. you have no legal recourse either because you allowed them access to your account.

boatkicker 4

OP might not have allowed them access to the account. If you know all someones personal information (which most parents know for their children) they can easily get access to your account without you even being informed. It sucks when it happens. The only way to prevent it is to not let them know where you bank.

Or to be in a state that requires parents to be on the account until the child is 19. I'm in that situation, even though I'm putting myself through college with a full time job.

If you are a 3.8 why can't you spell "chequing" properly?

samuraimuffin 0

In the US, the proper spelling is "checking."

Rotsapsky 0

Now now people, lot's of people allow their parents access to their bank accounts so that the parents can deposit money, then never get around to removing parental access because they assume their parents won't rob them blind. This is usually a safe assumption, this poor guy just got screwed. In fairness, it is possible for someone to get good grades, work full time, and still squander money, but that probably isn't what's going on here.

you don't need access to an account to deposit money INTO it. You can deposit to any account you want.

@#71: How is smoking one joint every two months irresponsible? Especially since (I'm assuming) he/she is legally an adult. His parents are just assholes, and I'm guessing you're some idiot who supports the War on Drugs.

That's extremely unfair, not to mention you'll probably never get a hold of that money if you don't get it before they spend it! I definately wouldn't say YDI, it should be a given right that kids can trust their parents. I trust mine! For sure FYL, seek help to solve this problem.

perdix 29

If you can do well in college while holding down a full-time job, your parents must have raised you pretty well. If it were not for that "irresponsible" and "not fit to handle money" bullshit, I'd have said you should help them out. The economy in Oklahoma is dismal, so it doesn't mean you are a lazy bum if you are unemployed right now. The only growth industry in the state is crystal meth. You should have used your savings to set your parents up with a meth lab. Ingrate!

jchansfan 0

Then again, sometimes you can turn out fine with little positive partental influence too, valid point though.

letitbe56 0

It's a recession; they're not necessarily irresponsible. However, stealing from your children is definitely a huge no-no.

Open a new account in your name only. Deposit all money into said account. Problem solved. Whether you want to write off the loss or send your parents a bill is up to you.

angryseatroll 5

So they are just trying to steal your money. Bring it court. And I'm not saying sue (before people getnom my case) Im saying go to court to make sure your money is secure and out of you parents reach.