Thanks mom, you're the best

By prego - 30/04/2009 02:03 - United States

Today, I called my mom into my room to ask her to bring me something. She referred to me as a "lazy fat slug." I'm 38 weeks pregnant and was put on emergency bedrest by my doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 844
You deserved it 4 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom's rude! She definitely shouldn't say that to you!

laurisshnazzy 0

Or her mother could have been at her house because she was placed on bedrest and needs someone to take care of her. Good lord, people.


Holy shit everyone is dicks on here. Hope your baby is doing good.

teddi76 2

Sorry but this fugly selfish, self centered non grandmother would not even get to see her grandchild if i was the op. I would tell them you can see them when I'm dead because I wouldn't want the uglyness that is you around my child. I tell the truth and will tell you straight out what I think.

Don't get pregnant. Problem solved!!!!

Someone should've given your mom that advice.

MidnightMusic53 37

Sorry your mom said that to you. Sounds to me that she just wasn't really thinking, but she still shouldn't have said it. Hope you two worked it out and didn't stay angry at each other, and I also hope you had a healthy baby.

38 weeks? And still calls you a slug? Seriously! Your mother should understand that...

Or she is a single mother and can't live alone.

There's nowhere that says OP is a teen. Her husband/boyfriend is most likely at work so she needs someone to help take care of her.

melissaferns 16

38 weeks and on bed rest? Why didn't your doctor just have you deliver? fyl for real each time with my pregnancies the last few weeks i had to be up and moving because sitting and laying down was super uncomfortable. So my swollen feet took the pain instead of the rest of my body. Seeing this is an old fml hopefully everything went well and you have an awesome 5 almost 6 year old that also hopefully softened grandma's heart.

Everyone bitching about it possibly being a teen pregnancy, shit happens. She could have been raped, or birth control could have failed. So shut up.