Tailor Swift

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 17:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I awakened from my peaceful slumber in a great mood. I walked into my closet, ready to pick out an outfit for the day, to find my two year old daughter, kneeling on the floor with a pair of scissors in her hand, cutting up my wedding dress - my wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 893
You deserved it 14 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CraziOne 0

Where would you put scissors that a two year old can get them?

brrrx 0

What kind of mother are you leaving scissors sharp enough to cut a wedding dress within reach of your 2 year old!? Not to mention...where the hell was the garment bag?


go in somthing else... if you really want to get married it will be just as special in a pair of jeans as a White poofy dress.

Seriously, your bad parenting is the cause of this. Even if your kid had woken up before you, there is NO WAY a two-year-old should have access to scissors.

GeorginaGruesome 0

2 year olds are cunning little *****. If they want something they'll find a way to get it, no matter what.

I'm not quite going to say you totally deserved it but... most people childproof their homes for that very reason. You actually thought your dress would be safe within her reach? And that scissors are a good thing to leave around? I feel really sorry for you, that's a terrible terrible thing to wake up to, but honestly, you have a toddler.

banana_pancakesX 0

not person actually waits to get married before they have kids, sex before marriage is a personal decision. besides, you have to know if the guy your about to marry is any good in bed anyways haha. but. ydi. shouldnt keep sharp objects in a kids reach like that, thank god it was the wedding dress that got damaged and not your daughter.

This just proves what I've been saying for years... scissors are evil.

Another reason not to breed and have children without knowing what you are getting yourself into... YDI for not taking the initiative to childproof areas important to you. Kind of like the location of your wedding dress.

abbymybowl 0

how did a two year old get out of their bed/crib and into your closet with the door closed with scissors? this is kind of ridiculous.. YDI for leaving scissors where a small child could find them

Wutt? (Don't insult the bad spelling, it's purposeful) What kind of parent leaves sharp scissors where a 2 year old can get at them? No offence to you but you kind of deserve it.

How could you leave a scissors around for you 2 year old to play with! Must've been sharp too coz it cut material! What the hell. YtDI

I moderated this one! I knew it was a good FML the minute I saw it. Sorry that happened. Maybe you could rush to a bridal store and see if you could get another one for the big day.

Wedding dresses aren't typically something you can just walk into a store and pick up. Typically you order the dress, wait 3-6 months for it to come in, and then go through several fittings so the dress fits exactly how it should. Getting a new dress less than 24 hours before the wedding is pretty much impossible. OP: I hope you have a good tailor on speed dial. And, for the love of god, get a garment bag and baby proof your house.