Sexy talk

By aur - 12/11/2008 08:10 - France

Today, I spent my first night with my English boyfriend. I'm French, and when we woke up, I said in my most sexy voice, "Oh, I'm so dirty!" It's only when he left that I finally understood the look on his face; I wanted to have a glass of water. I was thirsty, not dirty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 841
You deserved it 7 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she wanted to say "oh, i'm so thirsty" in a sexy voice so her boyfriend got her a glass of water. instead she said "oh, i'm so dirty"


mmiikkee 0

That was a huge waste of my time. It made no sense. **** you French girl

#8 she said it in a sexy voice so she would go get it for him. My ex used to do that. When a girl asks for something that try to sound sexy or sweet so we dont say no. Doesn't really have much of an effect on me though anymore. I learned to resist and forever be immune to that :P

Also #12 you don't have to be such an incoherent asshole, you obviously couldnt understand the merit she was trying to give because your too stupid. Quit with the philistnism and try and be a bit more respectful next time.

ahaha aw, I'm sure he didn't mind. ;]

At least he's sweet enough to get it for you.

xlostwithoutu 0

Haha that's funny but I'm sure he could understand since u are French

il faut que tu tentraines un peut plus alors? haha

C'est pas grave. Je suis sûr qu'il peut comprendre quand tu le dis "It was a mistake in my english." Il doit te pardonner.