Running late

By albert - 13/05/2009 12:36 - United Kingdom

Today, we were running late for school so my mum shouted at me to hurry up and get in the car. I put my school bags in the boot of the car and my mum drove off. It wasn't until she got to my school and told me to get out that she realised I wasn't there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 368
You deserved it 4 147

Same thing different taste


Heehee! Idiot. I'll bet she was also the type to be yelling at you about something the whole ride there and if not talking incessantly the whole time, she'd get mad when you wouldn't respond and rant about that, too.

Rawrrr14 0

Lucky for you! No school haha. Now you can hold this against your mom forever. "Mom, can I have $20?" "No, why are you so self-" "Now, Now, mom... remember that time you drove off and I wasn't even in the car...." *sighs* "Fine, take the damn $20."

GregN617 0

That's awesome British kid! lol..

Today, we were running late for school so I shouted at my son to hurry up and get in the car. He put his school bags in the boot of the car and I drove off. It wasn't until I got to his school and I told him to get out that I realized he wasn't there. FML

Wait... what? So you put your stuff in the car, but you didn't actually get in? Did she just drive off before you could? lol She must have been very concerned about getting you there on time! So concerned she didn't pay attention... lol #33! Make that £, though, probably.

mcsnelly 5

#36--stop with the reverse FML's!! And that one wouldn't actually BE an fml! But OP that really sucks...I honestly wouldn't put it past my mom to do something like this haha good thing she hasn't though! She's not exactly too observant, to say the least. #21--Don't use sexist comments like that. Not only does it show you are a disgusting person, but it just completely destroys your credibility making your comment worthless.

Ahahaha! My sister did that once picking me up at school- I closed the door after putting my violin in the back seat, about to get in the front, and she just drove off!... and came back like 15 minutes later, lol.

somewhatvaguely 0