Running late

By albert - 13/05/2009 12:36 - United Kingdom

Today, we were running late for school so my mum shouted at me to hurry up and get in the car. I put my school bags in the boot of the car and my mum drove off. It wasn't until she got to my school and told me to get out that she realised I wasn't there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 368
You deserved it 4 147

Same thing different taste


@3-12 : You don't have to type everything in caps for us to read it. OP, that sucks. Bet she must've felt so bad!! Hopefully you didn't have anything too important to hand it that morning, and that you got to stay home instead. @11 : In some places now, using your cellphone while driving is illegal. Maybe that's why OP couldn't call.

What utter BS. Unless your mom has like, dementia (In which case she shouldn't be driving any way) i don't see how the hell this could have happened. And #21, don't be so rude. "Don't have a period". What a sexist comment.

doesnt she ever look to the side before she turns a corner? Or if you were supposed to be in the back, doesnt she look behind when she looks in the mirror?

AntiChrist7 0

you're mom is an idiot, so Mendel says that you are probably an idiot too. Also, next time hurry up. YDI

FBIWarning 0

lol your mom is very observant

alalala_fml 0

ahah ur moms soo stupid, how can she not realize? i bet ur making this up!

Parents make mistakes. My mom was in a bad mood one morning while getting ready to drive my sister and me to school so we were really quiet in the back seat. When she pulled up to her work and reached back to get her bag she realized she had forgotten about taking us to school :) I feel your pain.

KillaKellaz 0 did your mom not know your not in the car and how did you know she drove all the way to school and realized you weren't there? She couldn't be that stupid and you probably just wrote that to sound cool but in reality she probably just pulled out the driveway before realizing you weren't in the car because most times when you back out, you look behind you...umm *ding ding ding* you weren't there..that def would of been a Red Flag....duhhhh

You mom just sped off while you stood there clueless like an idiot rather than at least trying to chase her down?