Running late

By albert - 13/05/2009 12:36 - United Kingdom

Today, we were running late for school so my mum shouted at me to hurry up and get in the car. I put my school bags in the boot of the car and my mum drove off. It wasn't until she got to my school and told me to get out that she realised I wasn't there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 368
You deserved it 4 147

Same thing different taste


LOLLL. epic fail for her! hahaha, this made me laugh. x] @ #60 & 61 - you both fail (: @ #62 - you shouldn't bother explaining ;p

To fellow Americans-- "boot" means "trunk".

Soup_fml 0

My dad did something kinda similar once. He started driving before I was actually in, so he ended up driving over my foot.

loll it was early in the morning, right? She was probabaly just tired. I wouldn't blame her, I'm also very absent-minded when I'm tired.

NycBrooklynBoy_fml 0

haha what the hell? Id just stay home.

Dude, I love how British this guy is.

wow #46 how is is NOT an FML. the fact that it took thier OWN mother like 10 minutes to relize they were gone, definitley is F**ked up.

She probably did it out of spite. You shouldn't be late though.

mcsnelly 5

#51--STFU you're a horrible person.