Running late

By albert - 13/05/2009 12:36 - United Kingdom

Today, we were running late for school so my mum shouted at me to hurry up and get in the car. I put my school bags in the boot of the car and my mum drove off. It wasn't until she got to my school and told me to get out that she realised I wasn't there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 368
You deserved it 4 147

Same thing different taste


anicolelove 0

your mom sucks dude. ppl who keep saying this isn't a fml, why not? i mean, his own mother LEFT him. It kinda sucks when your mom doesn't notice you're missing. you guys are kinda jerks. also, "don't have a period" doesn't make any sense to tell a person to calm down. like, since when are women these days so excited blood comes spurting from their vaginas? like, never. periods just kinda happen whether we want them to or not. so that was just a stupid statement in general. I guess the equivalent would be, dude, don't get a boner.

emuhleighx 0

When you're distracted, it's easy to forget things. Ever gone into a store for one thing, and ended up getting everything but that one item? Even though it was on your mind the whole time, it was pushed to the side by other factors. Forgetting your kid is a little extreme, but nobody is perfect. And for the kid, FYL. Oh, and about the cell phone thing. It's very likely that the kid's cell was IN the bag that got put in the trunk. Schools don't let kids use them. They need to be off and away.

mister_moops 0

damn, man. that's terrible. late for school? damn... your life sucks dude.

Hahaha my mother did that to me before after a football match XD I feel your pain.

rssffff08 0

ok this is a "your life is sweet" ... your mom calls you in and you get to go to school late

LOL...Your mother must have been in a really rush. You do realize that you could have texted her and said that you weren't in the car, that is if you have a cell. RI

hahahahahahahhahaha parent fail and #36 that's a lame reverse FML

lol what the **** is the boot of a car? use the proper word, you tard. foreigner fail.

grazynaanka 0

hahahaha this is really funny. @ #60 wow get a life. it is the proper word for them. and uh if you're from the united states, then you should realize that the country was basically based of foreigners coming over this way.