Relationship goals

By Anonymous - 17/05/2015 05:10 - United States

Today, my husband missed the toilet again. I would have been less disgusted if he'd peed this time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 485
You deserved it 2 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you actually have to try to miss when pooping...

Tell him to place his fartbox over the water, not the toilet seat.


get him some adult diapers and tell him if he acts like a potty training toddler, then he will look like one

I laughed so hard at this I crapped. Sadly, I missed the toilet too.

Time for him to learn to clean his missing problem. Take pics and send them to his mom if he won't clean up after hitting the floor.

^^ THIS. This is the best payback anyone could possibly think of until he – literally – cleans up his act.

Time to put his nose in it. If he wants to act like a dog, he should expect to be treated likewise.

MattStro 23 does this happen?

Is there a chance he could clean it instead of you? I mean it's his mess he should take responsibility

Exactly what #27 said. why are you cleaning up his crap?

Get an outhouse built in the backyard. Lock all of the bathrooms indoors and keep the key. OR, send him to a farm to live out the rest of his days.