Relationship goals

By Anonymous - 17/05/2015 05:10 - United States

Today, my husband missed the toilet again. I would have been less disgusted if he'd peed this time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 485
You deserved it 2 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you actually have to try to miss when pooping...

Tell him to place his fartbox over the water, not the toilet seat.


obliviongillette 18

I don't see how anybody deserves that.

Firsty, how does one miss a toilet? Secondly, how does one not think to clean up ones own shit off the floor? :D

how? are your toilets that dirty that he cant place his ass over the water? (not that its an excuse, not hard to clean) but how do you shit on the floor

Yes, I say return him back to his mother, with a photo of the crime scene, for a crash course in potty training.

He does that on purpose, no way in hell you can miss the toilet even when peeing.

PokeyPorcupine 18

That sounds like a shitty situation there.

Is it bad that I immediately assumed he was masterbating