
By cantgetitupcantgetiton - 14/01/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, I realized that the amount of time it takes my boyfriend to get an erection takes longer than the actual sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 409
You deserved it 3 242

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Propose a threesome. Tell him you will find a dude who can get it up quickly and keep up for a while. That ought to motivate him to make an Erection Correction. ;)

perdix 29

OP: For the night of your life, bring: Viagra A bucket of ice The song "Dead Puppies Aren't Much Fun" playing in an infinite loop.

Are you hot? He either needs Viagra or you need to learn how to "fluff" him up. Sounds like you're lazy in the sack. A little bit of help is always appreciated. Learn how to orally pleasure him and you'll see a marked difference.

So make sure you are as excited as he his before you start. You do realise good sex is not something easily achieved, it taks practice. not really an FML since he can still please you after he has had his ******

I disagree #26. Good sex is pretty easy, if you know what your doing. There are lots of things that you can do to fix that. Try a different position, viagra, have him eat more veggies, threesome, and I hate to say it, but the more oral sex you give him, the longer he'll last.

ED sucks. one of my friends boyfriend had the same problem. she ended up dumping him and hense forth calls him Limpy Dippy. She's an odd girl.

heartagram_in_ro 0

it's probably a medication not her fault assholes