
By caramelkarma - 15/04/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I woke up on my mom's couch with a wicked hangover. I made a mad dash for the toilet but felt the wave coming after two steps. I grabbed a bag of trash next to the front door and showed it no mercy. After I'd recovered and cleaned up, Mom asked if I'd seen the bag containing her Tax Materials. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 267
You deserved it 65 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

castnerinho 0

damn. still. your mom needs to find a better place to put her tax stuff. In a "bag of trash"? not sure bout that lol

may_cause_fail 0

Good luck crashing on mom's couch next time you get drunk. :D


Drinking is bad, dont drink, it can make you die in stupid ways

#31#32 kill yourselves, seriously. Or at least GTFO, that's like "YDI for being a muslim" or something. And yeah OP that's more like FHL lol. Well, FYL too, for being shown no mercy by your mother afterwards, probably :P

does your mom keep garbage in like folders or something then?

xxdani 0

Well, the good news is you lived to tell the tale. If I did something like that, I'm not sure my mom would let me...

alawoo 0

Wow. You're stupid. I hope your mom chews your ass when she finds out. That was very inconsiderate.

Yeah.. My mom would kill me. That sucks for you. You should get her a filing cabinet to make up for it. lol.

SpunkT 0

I dunno. I kind of put more of the blame on your mother for waiting till the last minute to file her taxes, and for storing it in a plastic bag. Hello, get a ******* filing cabinet, or a desk drawer, something reasonable. You're both kind of idiots I guess. I just think more of the blame is hers. Honestly.... a plastic bag wtf?

I'd have to lean more towards the YDI side, mostly for getting bad enough of a hangover to not make it to the bathroom in time. that's why you should TRY (i'm saying try because i know it's not usually on your mind when you're piss drunk ;) ) to keep a bin or something beside you before crashing. But i probably would've grabbed the nearest plastic bag that looked like there was garbage in it too if i'd been in your situation.

she keeps her tax stuff in a plastic garbage bag? dude you couldnt have seen that one coming.