Outta my way

By Anonymous - 09/02/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, it was my first day at work as a cashier. I was so nervous that my whole body got numb and my eye sight completely blurred. I ran to the bathroom blind while bumping into everything in the store, making sure that everyone knew I had a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 202
You deserved it 7 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kkmonster93 0

on my first day as a cashier I was so excited I forgot to count so don't worry lol


I would try some therapy.. It's pretty pathetic that you were that nervous over something as stupid as being a cashier... I hope you got reprimanded...

I say she needs therapy because most people have control over themselves when they get emotional. If you don't, you need help. Is she also going to be on the stand for murder charges and say "Well, it was the first time I had experienced a breakup, your honor. I was very angry..." and she'll be let off because "Oh, it's a natural feeling.. She didn't handle it very well and most people can control it but you can't blame her for her natural feelings."

It's not pathetic. She probably has social anxiety disorder. And yes, therapy is likely a good idea. I have social anxiety, and therapy has helped me a lot. However, it's not pathetic that OP has this problem. No one is issue-free, so I see no point in attacking her and throwing insults her way.

Lack of self control is pathetic (a synonym is pitiful) no matter how you spin it. I realize you can relate and what not but that doesn't mean everybody can and to those people, she seems pretty pathetic (and seemingly, even you think she is). I'm not trying to insult you or anything but, by definition, she is pathetic.

#66 Hopefully you're not insinuating that I'm pathetic. I've worked very hard to lessen my social anxiety, and there's nothing pathetic about that. And social anxiety isn't a lack of self-control. You don't have it, so I can see how it would be hard for you to understand.

ehhbeek 1

#66 you're making an ass of yourself. just quit dude.

First off, 74, I'm not sure how this is your business at all but you are correct, I am making myself look like an ass because I am trying to make a logical argument with a bunch of stupid children. Now, 67, "social anxiety" can be defined as "illness that affects behavior, thoughts and the ability to make decisions. It is associated with a discomfort (ex. pain), disability (ex. impairment in one or more areas of functioning) or a risk of pain, disability or loss of autonomy." WHICH, if you can read, can be interpreted as a 'lack of self control'. Also, "pathetic" can be defined as "Arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion; Arousing scornful pity or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy." Your lack of control arouses pity and sympathy from me. This makes you pathetic. I'm not sure what YOU think pathetic means but it is defined for you CORRECTLY above.

#83 No, I'm pretty sure I'm not the pathetic one in this situation. You're the one making assumptions about an anxiety disorder that you clearly no nothing about and you're looking like quite a rambling jackass in the process. :)

Aw, crap. And of course I had to make a typo and look like a jackass myself. "No nothing" needs to be "know nothing." *Twitch*

Steven is right on this one. Obviously you people don't know what pathetic means and get butt hurt when some one says it.

I already thanked you below but again, it's nice to know that some people will actually read what is written instead of just spouting random garbage. So, thank you devil

Social anxiety isn't pathetic. Only someone who has no idea what it's like and what it is would say that.

Ok, I get it 93, you can't read. I am done arguing with you. Maybe, when you learn to think logically and objectively, you can PM me and apologize for completely ignoring everything I've written.

#97 I read every word of what you wrote, and yet...I have no burning desire to apologize to you. Hmm. Oh well, I think I'll live.

Nerds why are you taking it as an insult? He literally gave you the definition. I know people can use pathetic as an insult but it means you feel pity for someone. What are you saying? We're not allowed to feel pity for someone anymore? **** you. I feel what I want.

hijueputa 0

I have to agree with steven as well, anxiety or not it was totally pathetic. To actually go blind and numb up just because of your first day at work, just by working as a cashier? How is she going to react when she gets a real stressful job or situation? Anyway, nowhere does she mention that she has any kind of anxiety or social disorder. People can and do control their emotions from time to time, jeeesh give me a break...

yes....you clearly display neither pity nor sympathy. you convey much scorn and contempt. "i hope you got reprimanded..." sir, next time stand up for yourself. myself, i enjoyed watching you backpedal. as for the rest of you, please try to tear apart jackasses like this with a keener edge. i can't get 'em all B)

111, if you want people to take you seriously, try capitalizing something in your sentence other than the B in your smiley face. I'm not going to spend much time typing to you because your comment was pretty incoherent but I will just tell you this: It is possible to pity someone and feel angry at the same time. I feel pity that she obviously has some issues and I may pity her lack of self control but that doesn't mean I can't be angry about her making an ass of herself and making her employer look bad because of it.

You can and DO control your emotions as 106 said. Some people control them better than others. As I used previously, if someone cheats on you, you don't shoot them and just say "OH I WAS ANGRY SORRY" and if you do, you have a problem.

I generally take "pathetic" as insult, as people usually seem to use it in a degrading and insulting way. I see nothing positive about the term. #114 Shooting someone because you "can't control yourself" is far different from having a panic attack because you have an anxiety disorder.

Other than being more severe, how is shooting someone out of anger different than a panic attack on the emotional control level? Both types of incidents have an emotional issue and, as stated, shooting someone IS more severe but they are still related and still lead to my point. The point 116, was that when you get angry, you don't go stab someone you just grit your teeth and raise your heart rate. That's called controlling your emotions and THAT was my point.

I personally agree that, by the definition you gave, her reaction was pathetic. However, I both agree and disagree with your statement on self-control. I myself have panic attacks whenever talking publicly, and in this case that includes the talking involved in being a cashier, and I can normally control those panic attacks, but only if I am well prepared. My point is OP probably has the self-control necessary but because it is the first day they have not acclimatized to the job and haven't had the pteparation necessary to be in control in a cashier situation. My long winded point is: people have more practice contolling anger and so it is easier to control, just as whatever is wrong with OP should be with a day or two of practice. (sorry for the length)

agentxyv 0

It's embarrassing to misspell the word "embarrassing".

#53 Not sure if that counts as a "typo error," especially when you consider the fact that a and i are on opposite sides of the keyboard :) That said, I do mostly agree that it isn't really necessary to point out spelling/grammar errors, unless the person is being obnoxious about it. But I think this was one of those 'too good to pass up' moments lol.

agentxyv 0

Cashiers have it hard... They have to stabd there, count stuff, and smile. But all that's easy.. It's the boredom that gets to you

Wtf, it's a job as a cashier, not as a CEO or something. You have issues OP.

I agree with you that Op's response was an overreaction, but depending on where you cashier, it can actually be somewhat stressful because of the sheer number of responsibilities they give you, not because any one of them is particularly difficult. I worked as a cashier at a smaller retailer last summer and normally, it was pretty easy. But, I remember getting really stressed too when I had a line of 10 people, i was the only one in the store that knew how to cashier at the time, the customer at the register was yelling at me because they wanted to return a defective product, the phone rings and it was my job to answer it, more customers walk into the store and it was my job to greet them, all while a child knocks over a display and it was my job to clean it up, and none of the sales staff can help out because they're all busy in the back. You would think that the management would hire more cashiers or staff to help the store, but they didn't.

abasio 1

Why would being a cashier make you that nervous? It's just a regular crappy job.

Decodedman 1

Couldn't hurt to see a doctor. Might be something besides nerves. Never known someone to get so nervous their body went numb AND they couldn't see. Maybe it'll turn out you have a brand new FML to post. How lucky are you??!

WTF? Do you not have any common sense or cool about you? Even if you can't control your nerves or your physiological responses to them, you can stop yourself from running to the loo like you were on fire. What were you going to do there anyway - replace the eye? Why not just stand where you are and take a few breaths?

sometimes eyes just need to be replaced...

RedPillSucks 31

First day on the job, I have to give change to someone who handed me a $100 bill and there's only $50 in change in the drawer. Oops, forgot that their purchase came up to $95.83 OMG, I've got to subtract!!!! This is just like the time when my teacher gave me Fermats Last Theorem to solve. Now I understand why it was his last!!!!! Ok... OK.... deep breaths, deep brea... What do you mean I'm fired????

#21 OP probably has an anxiety problem (likely social anxiety), which is a LOT harder to overcome than mere nervousness. I've been dealing with social anxiety most of my life, and I know that in the moment of panicking in the social situation, it's hard to think rationally. Back when my anxiety was a lot worse, it took a LOT more than just deep breathing to calm me. I had to step out of the room, sit down, and do deep breathing for around a full ten minutes. There's a huge difference between just being nervous and actually having an anxiety disorder...And it sounds like OP has an anxiety disorder that she needs to get help for.

I understand SAD all too well, nerds. However, I think if you get to the age where you are able to work, you should've developed some coping techniques or sought treatment. The last thing I would've done is drawn more attention to myself.

Foe, OP may still be only 16 or 17. By age 16, it's not uncommon for people to not even have recognized stuff like social anxiety as a problem. Or maybe OP is currently getting therapy...We don't really know. It took me years of therapy to feel as though I'd made a significant improvement.

I'm glad you're better. I have not made any improvement at all in overcoming the anxiety but I am able to force myself through situations well. I do get what you're saying but I still feel that *if* OP actually has SAD, this would not have been her first encounter with this sort of anxiety. She should have taken some measures to prepare herself or gotten a job that doesn't require much socialising. It is possible though that she is just a rather dramatic girl with first job jitters.

so you want everyone to think your an ass?

Someone's been watching too much Jersey Shore, bonding with those retards who think that standing around talking to retards at a Tshirt shop is too much work to be asked to do. How could working as a cashier be that nerve racking and stressful? Its a cashier job, how can you live the rest of your life if THAT is too much to handle? Good luck on your first real job interview where you will piss and shit yourself at the same time.