Outta my way

By Anonymous - 09/02/2011 07:32 - United States

Today, it was my first day at work as a cashier. I was so nervous that my whole body got numb and my eye sight completely blurred. I ran to the bathroom blind while bumping into everything in the store, making sure that everyone knew I had a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 202
You deserved it 7 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kkmonster93 0

on my first day as a cashier I was so excited I forgot to count so don't worry lol


Steven is right by definition. People stop getting butt hurt because he used the word pathetic.

Thank you! Finally someone who will read what I say instead of just freaking out!

#91 I wasn't freaking out. I was just stating my opinion, as you were. If I were freaking out, there would be some all-caps action going on. :P

Adjective pathetic (comparative more pathetic, superlative most pathetic) 1: Arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion. The old man’s pathetic pleas for forgiveness stirred the young man’s heart. 2: Arousing scornful pity or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy. You can't even run two miles? That’s pathetic. You're almost 26 years old and you still can't hold a real job? That's pathetic. stevenmx should be careful with the context in which he uses words because the second definition came to mind as i read his initial comment. and i can deal with that. what gets me is that he's trying to weasel out of his opinion. all this "can be defined..." that's evasive talk

It's not evasive, it's called using your brain. I didn't feel I needed to display the entire definition for her because we all should already know what it means. I was trying to make the point that she obviously didn't know that it had a meaning other than what she would accept as the meaning. Also, as I expressed in my other comment to you, I do feel pity for op but that doesn't mean I have to kiss her ass. Also, once again, not a single thing that you wrote (not copy->pasted) was capitalized... Are you 5?

bunch o nothing you just said there.....oh, and, no need for capitalization...we can all read here.

shinco_fml 0

shoulda done it like they do in assasin's creed

That sucks. I hope you'll get over your anxiety quickly. I wish you better luck on your second day, OP! :)

how could you possibly get that nervous from a cashier job? how will you even function in a meaningful way in society? you seriously need to grow a pair. I hold ppls lives in the balance at my workplace and don't even flinch. Stand up or drop out.

bamboochicken 0

That cant ne caused by nervousness. Blurred vision from being nervous, I dont think so.

79 - Really? They fired you for being too shy? That seems a bit harsh since, having worked at Applebee's for two years (it sucked!), I know it takes a few weeks to even become acclimated to the hectic pace of waiting.

Hun, that happened to me in grade 5 it's callled "hysterical blindness."

Haha we all get a little nervous from time to time..