Monday madness

By socks - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed I'd mislaid one half of the "Monday" pair of socks from my "Days of the week" set that were a gift for my birthday. I'm slightly OCD. I think I'm going to rip the floorboards up if I don't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 926
You deserved it 10 166

Top comments

wouldn't uneven floorboards drive you even more nuts?

Send me ur address I'll ship you a new one.


kismentia 10

It's not "OCD" to want matching socks. Or have socks with the names of days on them. Or want to wear socks that matched the day written on them. If thoughts about NOT wearing the socks are constant, disruptive, inhibiting, etc. then OCD may be an issue. Using an (I'm assuming) undiagnosed condition to describe oneself is like saying "I was so BPD last night that I facebook-stalked my ex" or "I was so bulimia nervosa that I tossed my cookies after a night of drinking."

Yep, all of this. "Oh man, I was so DID in drama class today!" Also, disorder names are nouns, not adjectives. If the OP is OCD, he's got a lot of apologisin' to do to a lot of upset people.

rofflewaffle 9

Because "I have OCD" is sooo much harder to say than "I am OCD," right? Don't be lazy, and don't be so casual about throwing around an awful disorder that actually affects people.

You made the distinction there. Wanting matching socks is not OCD. Having this intense, disruptive, aggravating NEED for the socks to match and be worn only on a certain day is OCD.

Haha I know how ya feel I'm OCD too it sux if ya ask me. Don't worry you'll find it and if not just go buy a new pair from da store

They may be under the floorboards. Just saying.

rckeeps 0

Hahaha I can tell ur OCD cuz of all those quotation marks!

1. Sockless Monday 2. Skip Monday, call in sick. 3. Rip up them floorboards, and disassemble the washer/drier. Choose wisely.