Monday madness

By socks - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed I'd mislaid one half of the "Monday" pair of socks from my "Days of the week" set that were a gift for my birthday. I'm slightly OCD. I think I'm going to rip the floorboards up if I don't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 926
You deserved it 10 166

Top comments

wouldn't uneven floorboards drive you even more nuts?

Send me ur address I'll ship you a new one.


SLIGHTLY ocd huh? and what dude has days-of-the-week anything?

It's ok, Monday's been and gone. Worry about it next week :)

I know how you feel. Whenever I cant find something I freak out.

Chrispayne 4

Sounds like ur a little more then "slighty ocd"

kaykay20 0

Slightly? I think you need help with this OCD you have. Doesn't seem light to me.

KiddNYC1O 20

I've seen cases like this on MTV. Very sorry.

It seems no one so far, other than me, thinks its weird that a guy cares so much about socks. It shouldn't matter what they look like unless your toes are hanging out.

KiddNYC1O 20