Monday madness

By socks - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed I'd mislaid one half of the "Monday" pair of socks from my "Days of the week" set that were a gift for my birthday. I'm slightly OCD. I think I'm going to rip the floorboards up if I don't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 926
You deserved it 10 166

Top comments

wouldn't uneven floorboards drive you even more nuts?

Send me ur address I'll ship you a new one.


I'm sorry about that, OP. I'm not OCD, but when I'm missing something from where it should be, I get edgy and irate and then tear the room apart looking for it (like my spiked collar, for instance.) My suggestion would be that in the future, for things that are important in regards to keeping your OCD tendencies under control, get a spare set of things that are most likely to get lost-- in this case, socks. Hope you find it. I know you've probably checked the most likely places, but remember that socks can get stuck in all sorts of places, so if you're digging through your laundry, check the arms and legs of pants/shirts-- and between the sheets of your bed, as well as the space between the mattress and frame/headboard. Good luck!

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's a mental state where a person has this incredible urge or compulsion to do something, and deviating from it can have disastrous psychological results. In this case, the OP has OCD and it affects what he wears. His compulsion is to wear a certain set of socks every day of the week, and that they must be matching pairs. If he mis-matches them, or wears a different set of socks, it will agitate him all day to varying degrees, depending on how severe his OCD is.

ydi for saying "mislaid." Seriously, who says that?

How much you wanna bet somebody stole it as a joke?

hero93 6

First off: you can't BE OCD. The fact that you said you're "slightly OCD" makes me believe that you're just another person who decided because they like to have their socks matching that they must be obsessive compulsive. Saying "I am slightly obsessive compulsive disorder" doesn't make any sense at all. Second: You can't be slightly OCD. You either have it or you don't. That's another reason I suspect you diagnosed yourself without a legitimate doctor or psychiatrist. Just because I randomly like to stare at the tv while I'm supposed to be working on homework doesn't mean I have ADD now does it? So in this case, quit you're whining, and go buy yourself another pair of "Monday" socks and all will be well again.

How many times do we have to go through this? You can't BE OCD. You HAVE OCD.

Why can't we ever have an OCD FML without having an argument about OCD in the comments...

Because people - usually the OP - continue to prove that they know nothing about the disorder.

hero93 6

because there are actually people who suffer from the actual disorder, and it has no need to be glamorized by random people who think they're cute for claiming to have OCD, ADD, so on.

rubyliu8420 7

I'd say a little more than slightly OCD...