Monday madness

By socks - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed I'd mislaid one half of the "Monday" pair of socks from my "Days of the week" set that were a gift for my birthday. I'm slightly OCD. I think I'm going to rip the floorboards up if I don't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 926
You deserved it 10 166

Top comments

wouldn't uneven floorboards drive you even more nuts?

Send me ur address I'll ship you a new one.


JubileeBee 31

You ARE OCD? OCD is a disorder. You are a disorder?

bubo_fml 10

Do you have a younger brother? If so, expect that missing sock to show up w/ x-tra starch...

bubo_fml 10

**** it...Make Monday a Sandles day...

Emmysmiles 2

SLIGHTLY? mahn your about over the top might I say, soz bro

bornareject94 5

Slightly OCD? I think that's a little more than slightly.....