Medication shutdown

By Anonymous - 29/09/2011 09:46 - United States

Today, I realized that due to my anti-depressants, I can no longer orgasm. At. All. Which depresses me more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 905
You deserved it 4 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Exercise and orgasms>antidepressants in a lot of cases


CuteDumBlonde64 11

you porr thing:( i dont even know what to say....

Without the almighty climax, life has no meaning :( I'm terribly sorry OP.

Skittles, you're 13. What do you really know about it?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

111, Being 13 doesn't mean you can't **********.

pretty sure 111 meant what would she know about depression. clinical depression, not the stupid shit like "ohh my mommy didnt buy me a new iPhone after I broke it when I set it to vibrate in my vag" that all these dumb kids put on their profiles

Phatdaddy and Shrike, take a second to look around after you dismount from your high horse and realise that teenagers around the world commit suicide daily because of...can you guess? Wait for it...that's right, DEPRESSION! Phatdaddy, I know it's been a long time since you were a teen, but they go through all kinds of shit, and they are sexually active much earlier than in the 70's when you were that age.

This^. Orgams are the best anti-depressants anyway

If you're a guy you'll be popular with the ladies. Mr. Jolly Rancher!

**** pills. I smoke that sweet, sweet cheeba when i'm depressed ;D Works everytime(:

It's the number 1 side effect. Don't people read about what they are taking anymore.

perdix 29

Buy a vibrator and find a dirty, old man with a perverted imagination. You'll be coming hard no matter how zombie-fied the meds make you.

Petunia888 13

Perdix, are you advertising yourself? Lol, jk. OP, sorry to hear about that. I have a few conspiracy theories about doctors and meds, but I'll keep those in my brain to avoid disputes. =) Along with your meds, you should eat healthy and exercise. Of course, that's my advice to anyone, no matter what. =)

perdix 29

Well, I don't sell vibrators, if that's what you mean ;)

Seek the meaning of life. It won't help you much when you discover it's to reproduce.