Medication shutdown

By Anonymous - 29/09/2011 09:46 - United States

Today, I realized that due to my anti-depressants, I can no longer orgasm. At. All. Which depresses me more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 905
You deserved it 4 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Exercise and orgasms>antidepressants in a lot of cases


gpd_deputy_1 6

Wow. Now I'm depressed for you. That's just all-around depressing. I guess that little problem never popped up during the clinical trial.

Sertraline will do the same thing! Just stop taking it and ask to try something else

Do cares that you can't ******? It's just sex.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Instead of taking those antidepressants, just start drinking heavily on a regular basis.

Gwyddone 29

Ehh, really FYL... I had a girlfriend before, who was taking antidepressants and had anorgasmia from them... It was one hell to give an ****** to her, not impossible, but still... change medications. It will probably work.

Didn't you read the leaflet before stuffing your mouth with pills some wannabe doctor gave you? Most depression medicines do that to you.

ktinalubzu 1

You must be taking a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) anti-depressant.. Thats a know side effect, do NOT stop the meds abruptly. You must taper off of them or you'll develop other unwanted side effects. Inform your doctor and ask about other anti-depressant options. -RN.

That's not cool dude!!! Actually it's more than cool, it's cold and just shows how much of a Jackass you are.