Medication shutdown

By Anonymous - 29/09/2011 09:46 - United States

Today, I realized that due to my anti-depressants, I can no longer orgasm. At. All. Which depresses me more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 905
You deserved it 4 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Exercise and orgasms>antidepressants in a lot of cases


I just started antidepressants, this is discouraging. Ditto what everyone worthwhile on here has said, though, you should talk to your psychiatrist and doctor about alternatives. I don't know why people with no qualifications insist on attempting to give medical treatment advice.

life2007 0

i knew a guy who took anti-depressants he didn't get off but we could have sex for hours. He liked but apparently you don't.

missbadluk 0

I used to be on some of those. It doesnt make you NOT ******. Just makes it harder to. Takes longer. You just have to work it the right way! Lol! Needless to say, I got off that shit and THAT was one of the reasons! SUCKS during sex! :-/

I was on something like that. Jerked off for three hours then gave up. **** that shit.

KLern 0

Oh my god, that made me laugh so hard...

Ive had the same problem, contact your doctor, he or she will give you a different medication

Petunia888 13

I'm not gonna lie; I read some of these comments in my "Medicine T.V. Ad" voice. "Ask your doctor about [some form of medication]..."