Kids say the funniest things

By embarrassedmom - 18/05/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old daughter saw a man in a wheelchair whose leg had been amputated. She walks up to him and says, "What happened?" He answers kindly that he's a war veteran. She then responds, "Well then you deserve to get your leg blown off. You shouldn't be killing people." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 546
You deserved it 25 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have have taught you're daughter some common coutesy by now

mehwhateverr 0

That is so messed up. Poor guy. FHL.


#43 is an idiot. Someone who volunteers to fight for his country deserves to have his leg blown off?

People shes 6 lol. this is all being over analyzed. its a good fml. Think the mom gets it that is why she posted it, some of you are adding insult to injury by agreeing with the 6 yrl old or disagreeing with the idea. I mean if most of you are adults you would realize its an innocent thing a kid would say like "mom your fat" or "your ugly" that is how how kids are, stop bashing the mom by the way.

Maybe if her parents (or parent, there is a good chance you were an unwed mother) weren't raging "progressives" (PC term for ignorant liberals) that care more about being "citizens of the world" than protecting American lives she wouldn't spew stupid, offensive garbage. You're a failure as a parent and not because you disagree with US policy, but because you feel its appropriate to discuss things like that in front of your adolescent child.

#65, freedom from American tyranny because im sure everyone would love some of that.

jewelzgalore 0

On a basic level she is right about the pointless nature of war. We should have, by this time, developed a means to compromise other than shoot at each other. However, that's not the way the world works at the present and he didn't "deserve" to have his leg amputated.

g_rizzle_86330 0

ok 56 ho chi min (please excuse my spelling) was an american enemy determined by our congress. if you are old enough you voted to go to war, or at least your elected officials did. and the guy on the ground that lose his eg is to blame?!?!?!?

grazynaanka 0

This is an extreme slippery slope topic. I agree war is pointless. My fiance is in Iraq right now fighting in a war that is completly pointless. I however, do not think that our soilders deserve to have their legs amputated or anything much worse that unfortunatly happens to our soilders in war.

Apparently at age 6 we aren't able to justify whatever the hell we want. I wish more people had the smarts of your 6 year old. Maybe then you wouldn't see amputees on the streets.